I'm assuming its just a blip, with being so close to release of the next expansion a lot of people may be putting off there buying experince or my leading theroy is people are rolling new toons to play with or level for the coming expansion to pass time. Ethier way auction house for me has been mixed and rather switched. On ethier case i've manged to stay well off for my main and my alts and even my horde main has been doing fine. So its not the sky is falling or anything just a blip in the WoW economy maybe? I guess time will tell.
I have manged to play a bit more with my toons and that includes my lower level alts. My warlock lowbie (thats low level) alt is making his way up hitting some achivemnts and one very unexpectedly! As for my main levling in Un'gro has been great so far but it really has turned into a Devilsaur watch! My fiance and i nearly had too many bad encounters with these high level elite mobs(thats monsters or enemy toons if you prefer ;P) thankfully no problems and we did wonderfully with leveling even with some RL intruptions!
Off the subject of WoW but still blizzard related its time for me to finnaly post an old music video I did and then re-did thats related to the game Starcraft. Needless to say i'm very excited about Starcarft 2 and deifntly can not wait for its release!
This music video combines scences from starcraft and its expansion to the music of Godsmack, in particlur the song Voodoo. The youtube link here was not posted by me but a stacraft clan, as the video is quite well know and popular, I also have a link to the acutal higher quality download the video thats on fileplanet here. This will be added to the side bar for easy finding and viewing/downloading!
This music video combines scences from starcraft and its expansion to the music of Godsmack, in particlur the song Voodoo. The youtube link here was not posted by me but a stacraft clan, as the video is quite well know and popular, I also have a link to the acutal higher quality download the video thats on fileplanet here. This will be added to the side bar for easy finding and viewing/downloading!
Thats really all there is for today, RL will be taking most of the day tommrow and of course more WoW is incoming as the level fest continues! Stay tunned and please spread the word!
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