A blog for James "Quickshot14" Greenwood
to post about all things gaming.
Mainly mods, WoW, LP's and more!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Hello and Merry Christmas to everyone! I have put together a small little video blog here for christmas to let you all know how much I appricate everything your doing what to expect from me soon and as we head into 09 and also some important info that i'm WoWless this christmas yes...all explained in vid ;P But dont fret more will come so check it all out and please please subscibe I see the views there getting bigger but let me know your out there it helps encourge me to do more.
I have updated my side bar with some new addons particulary one so check it out. I hope everyone's christmas goes well and good, i'll be back more before or by the new year with more blog and video blog posts for you all so dont you miss it. But before i head out a big WOOT out to my finace who hit the big 80 cap yesterday on christmas eve!!! And heres a beatuy pic of her in her little 'christmas gear' celebreating ;) Have a wonderfull christmas see you soon.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Might and Magic 9 Goodness...FINNALY ;P
Hello everyone and welcome back, as promissed to you I did play Might and Magic 9 sunday and I did fraps it and as you can see now DID make a total video blog about it! Try not to die from shock lol I've been promissing this for a while and so here it is. These three parts are all MM9 and nothing else, so no WoW here guys but dont worry WoW will be coming back and of course more MM9 down the stretch. For thoese keeping track of WoW I did do some leatherworking yesterday mostly as well as been working on a new toon, a dranei shaman! Shes level 12 now, and you will be seeing in a special WoW blog videos her total progression from level 10 to 20! So stick around for that.
(Part 2)
For thoese of you wondering when I will get back to really leveling my main from 66 to 67 and so forth. I promiss it will be soon, i'm getting close to being able to goto northrend, of course 68 is the big suggestion/limt for that really to be able to handle the badies out there and I want to get out there soon. So i'll probley be playing my wow main tommrow on christmas eve or even tonight would be my main guess, we will have to see but hopefully have a post up for her from 66 to 67 asap. As for MM9 I did play quite on sunday and I hope to play even more and post more so please feedback on all this, i'd like to hear it.
(Part 3)
And of course as you all see/know i'm playing a bit of armada II i dont know if i'll be bloging much on that mainly cause it seems like fraps and the un-offical patch dont get along well I dont know i'll ahve to look into it, but I guess we will see. So thats pretty much everything i've been upto latetly in the world of gaming. I of course hope to have some more WoW goodness up for you all tommroow, and of course hopefully no latter then friday or saturday have that shaman level 10 to 20 special video blog up for everyone to check out. So please stayed tunned I know its the holidays/christmas so I hope your enjoying it! I'll try to post as much as I can for you all, so here leaving you with a nice screenshot of me leather hunting/gathering last night and my circle of dead apes! Lol so untill next time, subscribe rate, and post your comments!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Winters Veil and DING 66!!!
Hello again everyone I hope everyone is having a good decemeber so far. As you might imagne blog posts have been a bit lacking as of late with holidays and all creeping closer, but hopefully thats something i'll be able to correct. So as promissed I have my level 66 video blog up for you all, also with some winter veil goodness! Winter's Veil is the in-game world event for the holiday/chirstmas season. It started about mid december and will end on january 2nd. World events are cute little in-game events with specific quests and the like blizzard does, witch is quite nice and entertaining as well!!!
(Part 2)
So yes only 2 parts to show you but thats because I was already over 50% to level from my little ramps/furnace that you saw clips of in the last blog/vblog post. So if your looking forward to seeing what I did next in outland or/and some winter veils quests/achivements definlty have a look! Some other things did happen that I didnt capture including my grand mastary of skinner! You can of course become a grand master in any profession when at a high enough level of that skill, but you also MUST be level 65 at least then you go just goto northrend and the starting towns there have the traniers so it was very easy and nice.
So thats pretty much it for now, hopefully i'll have some more mm9 vblogs for you as I have been playing that and my party is now level 32, so dont want to miss that i'll try to have that up tommorow if possible. Everyone have a safe and great holiday week i'll post as many blogs as I can of course and to leave you all with a beatuy shot of a christmas tree in WoW! See you latter!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Aplogies and back on air!
Hello everyone, first my aplogies for the lack of updates/posts RL got in the way, i'll spare you the details but to keep it to the point I was too stressed out to make any blog posts. But now it should all be reseloved and so i'm back with a quick post to refresh you all and give you at least a glimpse of what I did. it would be more complete but I couldnt record it all unfournlty. And with me getting back into wow again for the push to 66, i have to free up space.
I spent most all this time playing Might and Magic 9 and also revisitng/playing some Star Trek Armada 2. I have gotten pretty far in MM9 and unfournlty I didnt capture all of it for you but I have some clips in the video blog entry for everyone, didint capture any star trek armada 2, I do do a little wowing and I do have that in the video blog as well. But definlty more gameplay tommrow and return to a more normal blog schedule so I hope to see you all then and my aplogies. See you all tommorow!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Hello Zangromarsh and DING Level 65!!!
And greets once more everyone. As I planned and promissed I did spend most all of yesterday playing WoW even thou I was fighting with getting Part 1 and 3 of yesterdays vblogs up for you all, witch i manged to do so if you missed thoese dont miss it, its all up now. I have moved on in outland to Zangromarsh and I did mange to make it to level 65 before the night was up. Of course you can see the full details of all that in the videos here. Next I want to say heayz and a big welcome back to our sweet and wonderfull guild leader Kitty who has returned from a week RL afk! She has a lot of catching up to do lol.
(Part 2)
And next I have first a big congrats to my sweet loving fiance, who while in the process of gettings this blog post up for you all did ding to level 71, and a big congrats to the guild as we have finnlay gotten enough gold to get our 5th bank tab! So wow what a lot of woots out to everyone! As for my agenda today, i'm taking a bit of a break from WoW as i have a craving to play some more might and magic 9. You can of course expect the details on all that tommorow, I will play some WoW today, but exactly how much and if anything substiantal is TBD(to be determined) of course if I do you can expect video/update on that tommorow as well.
(Part 3)
So thats pretty much it for todays blog post, dont forget to comment and rate my videos as well, and of course post your comments here and subscribe to the blog and videos, theres still a couple days left on the poll love to hear you opinon about these new videos so make sure to do that. A big thank you to guildes and everyone who enjoys and reads/watchs my blog I do appricate it. Leavling you all with a nice beatuy shot of a badie in Zangromarsh, untill tommorow!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Recovery...some Might & Magic 9 Goodness and Some WoW.
Greets to everyone, first my aplogies for the lack of updates over the weekend. For thoese following my video blogs as you might of heard on them I was catching a minor cold witch unfournlty got a hold of my sinius and pretty much put me out of commision till late sunday night early monday. As much as I tried to play and do anything, WoW related or otherwise I just didnt mange to get it done. So my aplogies for that. I feel much better now and I did get some playing done as part of my last leg of recovery I played some Might & Magic 9(IX) an old school first person fantasy-party RPG. Thanks to some encourgment from RPGenie's videos on you tube of his gameplay and the finding of a 3rd party un-offical patch mod that helps the game run a bit better I acutally played it a lot yesterday.
(Part 2)
The first two parts of the videos here do cover that, so if your curious take a look check it out, i' relaly like to hear your feedback as this is pretty much the first real game i've covered in my blog that isnt specifcly WoW related as I been promissing to do so I really want to hear you opinons on it. I did manage to play some WoW last night before I did head to bed, finshing some quests with my lovely fiance who at the time was level 69 and i'm proud and happy to say did reach level 70 before the night was out, I wasnt awake for it thou hehe. Plans for today are to play more WoW see if I can do a bit of ctaching up, i'm only a real day behind on my main, so i'm definlty going for at least level 65.
(Part 3)
Again i'd really like to hear you opinon about seeing another game here on my video blog and blog in genreal. I'm going to try and add a little area probley on the right here for a current list of games i'm playing in genreal. Please take the time to subscribe to my blog or to my video blog. Comment and rate as well please and again if you want more full gameplay video at normal speed i'd highly suggest you check out RPGenie's page for all that. I'm leavling you all here with a nice beauty shot of Ironforge. Untill tommorow.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The March onward to Level 64!!!
Greets everyone, a little latter then I would of hoped but thats alright we will adjust. Back here once again for Level 64! Yes I made it yesterday as I was hoping, probley would of been there faster but I did take a bit of a break but I got there non the less. As you can see and hear in my videos I had a pretty easy time even thou some quests did give me issues. I dont belive i'll be playing my main today. So we will have to see of course. First I want to thank thoese who are rating and subscribing to my videos, please make sure you vote on the poll to the right!
(Part 2)
So what exactly is on the docket today, i'm not sure i'm having a real late start for various RL reasons, but its a good possiblity alts may be done and some professions stuff be addressed. As for thoese of you wondering when I may play something else or do something else, tommroow is a real possiblity of that. We have no major raid this week, since I figured everyone needed a break and with our guildmaster out for a while still I figured it was best to go ahead and wait.
(Part 3)
So thats really all for the post at this moment, of course i'll cover more tommorow it could be a brief post depending on what I decide to do. Those keeping track of my mains progression I should pick that right back up on monday so defintly dont want to miss that. Leaving you all with an outland shot of the dark portal, so enjoy, rember to vote and comment and please subscribe!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Level 63 & Hellfire Cidital Ramps & Furrance!!!
So hello everyone, I do have an early post for you all to finish all that didnt quite get covered yesterday. As well as of course more video contining right where we left off, moving from level 62 to 63 as well as doing my first outland instances witch i'm happy to say was very very nice. So this was again all done yesterday as well, so this blog post is kind of a countiation/catch-up from yesterday. Again this is using the same format I used yesterday as I think it works well, again i'd like everyones feedback on these videos and of course comments ranking and subscribing never hurt ethier ;P
(Part 2)
This will not be the only post, I will have one ethier late tommrow or early tommrow, depending how tired I am to try and cover what happend today. So I hope you stay tunned for that. As that will be happing I have no beauty shot for you all yet, so please look over these videos and enjoy them. Also I belive I will be doing some oblivion modding and the like this weekend i'll try to have at least some screenshots and video if I can of that if that does happen. So all for now, more latter.
(Part 3)
DING level 62!! And the video to show you!
Greets everyone, back again first with new videos to show my progression. This time i've done the format a bit diffrently to try and first make it shorter and also easier to follow/watch. So i've speed up and cut through gameplay going through it and manged to break it into 3 parts for my final progression from level 61-62 as we left off. I of course did much more but the video will be a bit behind for a while till I can catch up. I also reached level 63 latter today as well as did helfire ciditals ramps and furance, so expect video of all that tommorow.
(Part 2)
I'm also putting up a poll that will last a while to get everyones feedback of using the video as a new branch for my blog. Its not replacing it by any means and at the very least well allow me to focus/post mutliples of games or mods or anything i'm working on. I'll try to keep up with the video blogs as much as I possibly can. So again let me hear what you have to say and of course please post your comments.
(Part 3)
Leaving you all with a beatuy shot today of me approching the menacing dark portal in blasted lands, make sure you come back tommrow, possible double post??!!!! See you soon.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Whoa hes back...and with video??!!
So yes i've kicked up oblivion once again, thou it dosnt preform at its best with this onboard video its decent enough for modding, so i'm hoping to have more of that for you all to see maybe even some video, speaking of, I took some video of me questing early this afternoon, i've set it up to be in 8 parts on you tube and of course you can see it all right here so take a look give me your feedback and comments and such, tommroow i'll have a new post and vid as well that will be a diffrent format/take and i'll see witch everyone likes better from there.
Besides that not to much to report, getting back to WoW and working on my main again for the new few days is to be expected I have a lot of catching up to do. So heres a nice little beatiy shot of the outland sky for you all. Make sure you check out the vids for more and check back tommrow! Lates.