A blog for James "Quickshot14" Greenwood
to post about all things gaming.
Mainly mods, WoW, LP's and more!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

WoW I'm Back!!! And Happy Anverisry Blog!

(VBlog - WoW Molten Core)

Hello everyone! Its been too long since we have had a real update here but finnaly we got something new. Granted its only one video for now but dont fret I got lots of LP footage coming up at you tommorow! So what do we have here? Another old school raid but of just our guild The Dailie Grind running through Molten Core! Defintly worth a view, theres lots more WoW footage coming up as well, more Ulduar, Quests and of course addon specials! Also in this MC post is my first run through the headless horseman this past hallows end, witch i'm happy to say I did get my Hallowed title!

Things have been very busy on the RL side but now things are starting to come down back to normal, in fact its my hope i'll be able to post even more since I should be able to upload from home now! Witch is a welcome return and time saver, ethier way you can expect a lot of LPs tommorow, yes that means more TFTD and MM9. No more lockdown for the moment but it has not been susspended ethier so dont fret. I also have quite a few possible LPs that hopefully i'll be able to show. What are they? Why ruin the suprise ;P

Also I want to say happy anversirey to the blog! Its just over 1 year old! Yes can you belive it, I started this blog 1 year ago (November 1st, 2008 to be exact) and its cerintly had its up and downs and life of its own! Its coming of its own, and thats very thanks to all of you, so thank you for a great year and heres to many more we all can enjoy!

Well thats all for today but again stay tunned for tommrow for more! I'm leaving you all with a nice beatuy shot of me staring down Idillan, right before he kicked our raids ass! Till tommorow all!

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