A blog for James "Quickshot14" Greenwood
to post about all things gaming.
Mainly mods, WoW, LP's and more!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More LPs. MM9 and a little TFTD!!!

(LP - TFTD Part 109)

Greets everyone and welcome to thrusday, as promissed I do have more LP's for you all, not the huge amount I was hoping but definlty some none the less. My aplogies on this its mid-terms so my time is a little heitic! But never the less I did managed to get some LP footage for you all, including MM9 as promissed, 5 new parts for that LP to be in fact and one new part for TFTD for you all to enjoy!

(LP-MM9 Part 33)

Thats really all I have for everyone, I wish I had more honestly but i'll see about squeezing as much LP playtime in this weekend that I can, and try to get another sunday update for you all with more LP goodness! So remeber to check that all out, course poll is still open till around next week so make sure you cast your vote and of course as always comment, subscribe and see you hopefully Sunday if not then Tuesday! Take care.

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